AI Powered. We show our work.

Modernize your Investment Approach.

Site Note: Gutena Forms kept breaking the editing part of the site, so it has been deactivated. Currently working on the main project instead of cleaning up all the debris it has left behind.



Always Awake



Always Ready



Always Working

Make AI work for you.
It’s already working for them.

AI Tools for the Modern Investor.

We specialize not in writing the AI, but in selecting the best of breed and fitting them to the task at hand. Allow us to present you with the tools you need to keep pace with the high tech crowd.

Sentiment Tracking

Our AI reads articles from various publications and reports on the metric of author sentiment.

Technical Analysis Search

In development: A pattern matching tool. Build a pattern search with our interactive tool and search our database for matching periods in the stock’s history.

Custom Tool Design

Have an idea for a tool? Let us know! We have access to a wide variety of open sourced and pay-per-use AI resources. We’re ready to implement tools to exploit them.

Embrace the Future,
Or be left in the Past.

Our Road Map

Building a Toolkit for the Modern Investor.

Market Research

Leveraging AI for comprehensive market research, uncover valuable insights and trends to inform strategic decision-making.

Stock Tracking

AI-powered algorithms constantly monitor and analyze stock market and publication data, providing real-time updates and intelligent predictions for informed investment decisions.

Pattern Match Alerts

Algorithms detect patterns and anomalies within price data, issuing timely alerts for potential opportunities or risks in various industries.

Custom Technical Analysis

Personalized technical analysis reports, aiding traders and investors in assessing market trends and making informed trading decisions.

Author/Analyst Tracking

AI systems track and analyze the works of authors and analysts, providing comprehensive insights into their opinions, predictions, and performance in relevant fields.

Continuous Development

As opportunities arise and the future unfolds, we will continue to develop tools to exploit the technology available to keep you informed.

Its time to adapt to the new world of investing.

Pricing Plans

Monthly Subscription
(30 day free trial, cancel anytime)

Quarterly Subscription
(30 day free trial, cancel anytime)

Yearly Subscription
(30 day free trial, cancel anytime)

Its enchanting design, paired with its insightful analytical capabilities, makes it a must-have for those seeking to unravel the mysteries of human sentiment.

Bim Zapth

CEO Steampunk Smith Co.

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A modern toolkit to track your investments and to find future opportunities.

AI Powered. We show our work.

Located in:
Chattanooga, TN
New York, NY

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